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Showing posts from September, 2024

Celebrating National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

What if all the truckers just disappeared for a week? Sounds unimaginable, right? Without them, the whole state of America will crumble to pieces. It goes on to show how important truckers are for everyone.   To celebrate their hard work and efforts, to help the nation stand strong, we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Every second to third week of September is celebrated for truckers and their undeniable sacrifice to connect every corner of the states. Moving forward, we will understand the importance of truckers and how Truckers Appreciation Week is celebrated.   How Important are Truckers to the Country?  Do you know that there are more than 3.5 million truckers running errands for the country? Not only that, every year, around 11.5 billion tons of goods and products are transported by our hardworking truckers, which accounts for 70% of America’s total annual freight.   Additionally, more than 80% of the US communities depend on their services. From shelter and clot